Field of Practice, Benefits & Compensation
Since 1991, Zenford A. Mitchell, Esquire has represented individuals who have filed claims for Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplement Security Income and Unemployment Compensation Benefits. Zenford specializes in handling Social Security Disability Cases from the initial filing of a disability claim to all stages of the Hearings and Appeals process. Zenford is also known for taking the extra step, if necessary, to assist claimants who need to appeal and file a Federal Civil Action to the United States District Court, an appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, and/or the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS). He also handles Personal Injury, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation (Employee and Employers), Employee Disability Insurance (ERISA), Property Assessment Appeals cases and other civil litigation matters.

Whatever legal challenge you are faced with in my areas of practice, my focus and goals are to service and help you in every way that I can. I will evaluate your case, tell you your strengths and weaknesses, and give you and my honest professional opinion on the merits. If can help you, I will. If not, I will explain and tell you why. I care about my clients and their well-being. I am committed to helping people with their legal matters, and I want the best for them. Home, hospital, or facility visits are available by appointment. To discuss your case, call me at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at 1 (888) 244-9852.
Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits are payable to individuals who cannot work because they have a severe physical or mental impairment that is expected to last for a period of twelve (12) months or more and/or may result in death. Whether you need to file an initial claim for benefits, file an administrative appeal, need representation at a scheduled hearing, or need file a Civil Action in Federal District Court, I am here to help and service you. Even if others have declined to take your case, call me. I aggressively pursue these cases at all stages of the appeals process. I will gladly take second look at your case regardless of what stage you are at in the appeals process. Please call me at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at 1 (888) 244-9852.
Most accidents change lives to a certain degree, from a few days of discomfort to a lifetime of pain and limitations. Besides the substantial medical costs involved in treatment, these injuries can result into a considerable deterioration of an individual’s quality of life. If you have been injured, time is of the essence to obtain representation to protect your rights. I am committed to helping people with their legal matters, and I want the best for them. Please call me at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at 1 (888) 244-9852.
Workers' compensation is a form of accident insurance paid by employers. There are no payroll deductions that are deducted from the employees' salaries for this insurance. If you are injured on-the-job or acquire a work-related illness, workers’ compensation will pay your medical expenses, and if you cannot work, it will also cover wage-loss compensation until you are able to return to work.
If you have been hurt or injured at work, call me at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at
1 (888) 244-9852.
A property assessment appeal is a due process where a taxpayer may initiate if the assessed value of a property cannot be agreed upon with the county assessor. The property assessment appeal process provides for the equalization or the fairness of the assessment of a property's value. I help home and property owners appeal their assessments, when the estimated value of the property, does not accurately reflect what they believe to be its current market value. If you feel that your property has been unfairly assessed by your local government officials, call me at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at 1 (888) 244-9852.
Unemployment Compensation Benefits is provided for individuals who have unfortunately lost their job either due to economic factors or other circumstances related to their employment. Some of the legal issues involve willful misconduct, voluntary and involuntary quit situations and more. I have handled these cases for over 30 years, and I thoroughly understand all the legal issues in this area of the law. If you need help, call me at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at 1 (888) 244-9852.
Many employees have opportunities to obtain Long Term Disability Insurance through their employer or private insurance. In the event the employee becomes unable to work, the individual must file a claim, be persistent, and pursue it. I have handled these cases and helped many employees with their claims. Call me to help you with your claim at (412) 243-5656 or toll free at 1 (888) 244-9852.